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Blue Deal - Abbay (Ethiopia)

Work in progress

Improving the implementation of Integrated water resource management (IWRM) in the Abbay basin in Ethiopia.

Region Abbay River 
Period  2019-2030
Project partners  Dutch Regional Water Authority Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier and Waterproef
Recipients  Abbay Basin Authority (ABA)
Funding   Blue Deal programme


Ethiopia is a beautiful, proud country and ambitious to grow and develop. But despite considerable progress, it is still one of poorest and most vulnerable countries in the region. The country is heavily reliant on its natural resources such as water and land to develop. Because of its large potential and ambitions industrialization and urbanisation is increasing, and as a result agricultural demands intensify. This puts the water system under great pressure causing turmoil on water related issues (like inequitable access to scarce water). Tension between the federal and regional government over mandates and competencies become more and more prominent. 

The main focus of the partnership between ABAO (Abbay Basin Administration Offices) and World Waternet is to strengthen the capacity of ABAO and the Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE) with the aim of empowering the water authority to manage water resources in an integrated, equitable, resilient and sustainable way in 2030. A capacitated ABDO will have the instruments to facilitate integrated and equitable water distribution in two critical subbasins of the Abbay basin. These subbasins have been identified as areas with a substantial potential for irrigation and hydropower. Improved basin monitoring and data management eventually will result in information driven water management to meet demands for water use in the area. ABDO will have linkages and strategic alliances with key actors and stakeholders to provide for improved water management, both in quantity and quality. 

Our impact

The ABA will have the instruments to facilitate integrated and equitable water distribution (in two critical sub basins with a substantial potential for irrigation and hydropower). Improved basin information management will result in a better IWRM to meet demands for water in the area. The ABA will have linkages and strategic alliances with key actors to provide for improved water management. A big step forward towards integrated, equitable, resilient and sustainable water management.

Achieved in Phase I 

  • Water Allocation Plan (WAP) for Tana/Beles subbasin 
  • Identified gaps and addressed needs for hydrological data management 
  • Trained trainers in quality management so they can train staff in phase II 
  • Selected a area for a water pricing pilot and stared with awareness raising and permitting 
  • the Stakeholder Management team organized webinars and  delivered a stakeholder engagement strategy plan  

Goals Phase II 

  • Improved watergovernance  
  • Stakeholders engaged to endorse WAP Tana/Beles  
  • WAP into practice in small scale pilot areas  
  • Communication platform to facilitate awareness raising and permitting amongst stakeholders before introduction of water pricing  
  • Introduction of first stage Water permit database  
  • Implementing sustainable river basin management and water allocation 
  • Data collection with new monitoring equipment 
  • Climate scenarios and WEAP modelling for basin plan  
  • Laboratory operational to ISO standard for critical parameters and capacity doubled by dedicated team


  • Hydrological Basin Information Management (HIS-BIS) and water quality activities
  • Water Allocation Plan development for two critical sub basins and pilot study payment system for one sub basin


  • Water resources management implemented.
  • Increased water-use efficiency across all sectors and water stress reduced in the ABA by implementation of water allocation plans.
  • Integrated water resources management incorporated within ABA and most relevant stakeholders.